The following video is our first public service announcement, which is intended to increase awareness and action within the dental community by targeting the immediate need for medical emergency preparedness. The unnecessary death of eight year old Raven Blanco provides the backdrop against which this urgent message is set.
In honoring Raven’s short life, we are driven to providing preventative education based on medical emergency preparedness. Without this awareness and action, young lives are continually at risk and the integrity of the entire dental community is threatened.
The PSA details the solution to the problem by introducing The Six Links of Survival™, developed by the Institute of Medical Emergency Preparedness, as a convenient mechanism for dental offices to ensure that all areas of appropriate preparation are adequately covered.
Our goal is to have our PSA shown prior to every major dental meeting and before the commencement of every dental continuing education course. The goal is to reach every member of the dental community, from student to staff. Once the PSA has been viewed, we invite each practicing dental professional to partner with us in preparedness by taking the “Six Link™ Pledge” which states that they will take the necessary steps to prepare their office to appropriately handle medical emergencies.
Presents a Public Service Announcement on
The Six Links of Survival