On March 9, 2007, 8-year-old Raven Maria Blanco passed away unexpectedly, leaving family and friends with the challenge of learning to live in a world dimmed by her absence. Raven’s passing was devastating, especially to her parents. In an instant, the world cracked, swallowed joy, and the little angel disappeared. Imagine a room of bright lights, glittered streamers, laughter bouncing off the walls, star-lit ceilings, and music dancing in the air – then darkness and silence, disorientation and pain. There are no words to express the void we have in our hearts. Raven’s short, spirited life touched so many people; we are truly blessed for each and every moment we had in her presence.
Raven died under conscious sedation during a routine dental procedure. The autopsy showed Raven had a blood concentration of 24 mg/L of chloral hydrate — three times the average range — which the medical examiner considered lethal.
After the loss of Raven, her mother Robin clings to her daily routine as a way of somehow maintaining normalcy. She constantly adds items to her to-do list; staying busy is a band aid to the wound that never heals. Robin also helps her other two children deal with the loss of their sister. Raven was the oldest, the one they looked up to. Now when they miss her, they look to the Heavens to feel the sun rays of her heart and the glimmering stars of her curiosity. Robin also devotes her time to making a difference in the lives of children.
Mario, Raven’s father, watched his world crumble after the death of his first born child. He left living, lost somewhere in the limbo of grief. He could not move in the fog. For a little over a year, Mario spent his day’s sitting by his daughter’s gravesite and writing to Raven on her website every day. One day, love and chance gave Mario the strength to pick himself up. Thus begun the RMBF, Inc..
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Hey baby girl ~ Hope you love your new page. Now people can write you on your site and on this one. I ? and miss you to pieces! xoxoxo
Posted by Nicole on March 16th, 2011.
Hey Raven, I know I never got a chance to meet you, but from what I see and the love I’ve received from your family, I know you were perfect in every way. You will be greatly missed.
Posted by Danielle Brandon-Stewart on March 25th, 2011.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Posted by Gonzalez Family on December 16th, 2011.
Thank you for sharing your pain, that other children could be warned about conscious sedation. We will no longer allow my grandson to receive it as the dentist said he had to.
God Bless you all I am so sorry for you loss.
Posted by Shelli on September 9th, 2012.
Thank you for your kind words. While I understand why you would be concerned for your grandson’s safety when going to the dentist, I want to assure you that conscious sedation can be quite successful when performed in a safe environment. Please take the opportunity to download the resources from our front page, they are meant to educate/aid you and your family on finding a dentist that is appropriate and safe.
Warmest Regards,
Nicole Cunha
Executive Director
Posted by Nicole Cunha on September 23rd, 2012.
I saw your truck today and went to your beautiful daughter’s website. My heart aches for your loss. I have a seven year old son and because of your site, I have knowlege that I would never have had. Thank you for sharing your pain and enlightening others. May you continue to honor your beautiful daughter’s memory. I am so sorry for your loss.
Posted by Kelly on October 24th, 2012.
Thank you so much for this. I got the news today that my 2 year old will need to get sedated to get this hour long treatment . In my heart I have a feeling that a little body like this can’t take a whole hour of sedation I just don’t see it going the right way. His baby teeth will fall either way but when the dentist says this has to be done it pressures me to a quick decision but I won’t I can’t. Almost lost this child as a newborn and I can’t put him through this life threatening procedure. Raven mama we will see you soon it’s a nightmare to lose an angel like you. I want to thank you and your family for helping so many families including myself. Don’t crumble Robin, Raven will be with us soon.
Posted by on May 17th, 2014.