1. What is the training of the doctor and staff in the office toward medical emergency preparedness? Is this training renewed annually?
2. Are the doctor and staff trained in BLS*/CPR**/PALS***? How often is this training renewed?
3. Does the office practice mock drills on a regular basis? If so how often?
4. Does the office have an Emergency Guide (Emergency Response Protocol Guide)? Ask if you can see it.
5. Does the office have the necessary equipment and appropriate medications to handle medical emergencies? (Automated external defibrillators, emergency drug kits, vital sign monitors, portable oxygen) If so, ask if you can see them and if you can check the corresponding expiration dates.
6. Ask if you can stay with your child during his/her procedure and through recovery (you will find some dentists feel children behave better without the parent being in the room). If the answer is NO, then ask how your child will be monitored from pre-sedation through post-sedation (a return to full consciousness). Ask who will be with your child during this process.
* BLS- Basic Life Support
** CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
*** PALS - Pediatric Advanced Life Support