David DeJohn Liddell was only five years old when he died during his first big boy visit to the dentist office. I hugged him close, kissed him, and told my little man that everything would be okay. I had no idea it would be our last goodbye. I would have held him longer, kissed him again; I would have taken him out of that office and never turned back. I didn’t know anything more than what I know now: I love that little boy and am thankful for every moment and every breath of his short life.
David was born on April 4, 2005; it was like I had handpicked him myself. He was so small, innocent, and pure. He was heaven sent and heaven bound – my perfect little angel, my beautiful, special child. David triumphed over many obstacles in his short life. He was born with a chromosomal deletion which caused him to be mentally and physically delayed; but despite this, he was a very happy and healthy child.
David blessed many family and friends with his presence. In such innocence, love multiplies in ways that have taught me that humankind is most wonderfully kind at heart; David showed me this with every smile. He loved attending LP Mills Elementary for preschool and was enamored with his teacher Cathy Duncan and his classmates. Upon entering the building every morning, a smile would creep across his face. David also had a very close and special relationship with his older sister, Alexis, who he spent a great deal of time with. Our close knit family continues to share in his love and his memory. David is gone but not forgotten, always loved and greatly missed.
-Bio submitted by David’s mother, Danielle Brandon-Stewart
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David, I can’t wait until the day that you and I are reunited. How I miss my precious little angel, not a day goes by that I dont think of you. I love you so much little man.
Posted by Danielle Brandon-Stewart on March 25th, 2011.
My darling grandson, I miss you so much. Every time I hear, La la la la,,,La la la la,,, Elmo’s world. I think of our time together watching Sesame Street. Just you and I. You were an angel in our lives. We thought that we were suppose to be here for you. But we now know that you were here to teach us. You left us with a wisdom about love and acceptance in a level that we never knew existed. David, I thank God for the wonderful five years that we had with you. You were like a light in our lives. We will love you forever, and I will live right so I can see you again. I want to be where you are. Love Nanna
Posted by Danielle Brandon-Stewart on March 29th, 2011.
Happy Birthdayy Bro! iWish u were still here to gro, but I kno ur in a better place even tho iMiss ur lil’ face. iCan still feel you when ur spirit comes around iAppreciate the visit, but iWish u were always aroundd. I`m happy ur in a better place bcuz the place were we live is a disgrace. Where u are is where we r tryn to make it. Oh! how much iLuv u David!
Posted by Alexis Brandon on April 4th, 2011.
Happy Birthday to a precious little boy. Wish we could have met in person David. Meeting your mother, sister and grandmother was an experience I will never forget. I hope you, Raven and all of the other children are playing together somewhere beautiful.
Posted by Nicole on April 4th, 2011.
David it’s still hard to believe that you are no longer with us. I get choked up everytime I see Backyardigans or have to explain to the kids that when we go to Atlanta they can’t come visit you but I know you’re in a better place and I pray that we are all lucky enough to reconnect with you one day. But until then you will forever live in our hearts and memories. I know I told you the other day but Happy Birthday Sweetie!! I hope you didn’t get the cake all over your face
I love you!
Posted by LaTashia Cole on April 8th, 2011.
still cant beleive your gone david, part of joy visiting lexxy was seeing you there even though your gone you are never forgotten i love you much just as a own brother and wish you were still here growing and continuing to make your family and friends proud. Rest In Peace <3
Posted by Daesia on April 8th, 2011.
i loved my lil cousin… When i was holding him he had so much energy. I love lil David and he is truly missed..
Posted by jessica campbell on April 8th, 2011.
Hey little bro! I miss you sooo much, right now i’m crying & idk if they’re tears of joy because i know your very happy & having the best time of ur life without me or just because I miss waking up seeing you happy laughing at cartoons in the morning. My mornings aren’t complete without seeing your smile. I just really miss everything about you right now, but i know every little moment we shared will all be shared again someday & it’ll be even better. I just wont you to know i’ll never forget my little brother & that ur big sister loves you sooo much! (: -hugs & kisses- mwah! <3
Posted by Alexis Brandon on June 20th, 2013.
Heyyy bro! Today makes 3yrs since you reached paradise, how is it there? I know it’s gotta be great! I just wanted to say I miss you & i’ll never forget you! Can’t wait to see you again! I LOVE YOUUU <3 -hugs & kisses- mwah (:
Posted by Alexis Brandon on July 9th, 2013.